God is not in the religion of Yannis Gautier – Thought of the Day

God is not in the religion of Yannis Gautier – Thought of the Day
God is not in the religion of Yannis Gautier – Thought of the Day

God is not in the religion of Yannis Gautier – Thought of the Day

Sto read the scriptures

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Luke 19.10

Jesus Christ, on earth, bore witness to God’s love for all who were lost: prostitutes, tax collectors, the sick, thieves, and sinners. He broke down the walls of religiosity in his day and allowed sinners, who had been pushed aside by the religious, to make peace with God.

Many people think they will meet Jesus through religion and they go to great lengths to put on the appearance of godliness, thinking that this will make them more acceptable to Him.

At the risk of surprising you, I would like to tell you that Jesus Christ is not in religion! God did not create you to be religious, but to be in communion with you.

So, don’t wait until you’re perfect to take a step toward Him. He loves you as you are and He calls you today to meet Him and follow Him: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3.20).

Elisten to the voice of God

Are you having trouble meeting God despite all your tries? Take time to listen to what God wants to tell you about this.

Praying is simple. Talk to God as if you were a close friend who loves you and can hear everything. Here is a sample prayer: “Lord, I believed that to know you, you had to be worthy of it, and that it had to be in a certain environment. Today I understand that this is not the case. Come and touch my heart, Lord. ! I want to meet you so much !

Llisten to God

To praise God is to show him our gratitude. Today, for example, you can praise him because he is not religious, not attached to rituals. God desires a heart to heart with you. It is wonderful, isn’t it? So dare to sing to him at the top of your voice, as soon as it is possible for you.

HASturn today

Now, how do you apply what God has told you? Write down your thoughts following this message and let the Holy Spirit show you what He actually expects of you. He is the best of counselors, so dare to put into practice what He tells you today. You will be amazed!

Hto honor the Lord

Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

​​Thank you Lord for showing me how much you want me to live with you and for you. ! Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, amen. !”

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