The Roy-Hart artistic center celebrates its jubilee with workshops

The Roy-Hart artistic center celebrates its jubilee with workshops
The Roy-Hart artistic center celebrates its jubilee with workshops

50 years ago, on July 1, 1974, seven pioneers teeming with ideas arrived at Malérargues Castle, in Thoiras, from London. Very quickly, they were joined by others, constituting a group of 49 members from across the Channel.

From June 25 to July 1, 2024, the Roy-Hart International Artistic Center will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its creation, with a meeting of “49 premiers”, for a week of workshops, master classes, presentations, exhibitions, concerts and shows. A unique opportunity to meet and work with the first generation of founders. The voice teaching provided by the artistic center is based on the belief of a deep connection between the voice and the soul. “He invites each person to sing the multiplicity of voices they carry within them and to listen to them as so many aspects of their personality”, specifies Siobhán McCann, member of the board of directors. The center has trained several generations of teachers active in many regions of France and around the world.

Information, reservations and registrations at 04 66 85 45 98, at: [email protected] or on

Practical information

Date :
as of June 24



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