Poupette Kenza films Allan feeling unwell and shocks the web, “she’s crazy…

Poupette Kenza films Allan feeling unwell and shocks the web, “she’s crazy…
Poupette Kenza films Allan feeling unwell and shocks the web, “she’s crazy…

By Clémence T

– Published on 02 Jul 2024 at 09:38

Poupette Kenza experienced a particularly trying moment. While she was in Morocco with Allan, the latter had a serious crisis. Unconscious and lying on the ground, the young woman then made an unforgivable gesture according to Internet users.

Followed by more than a million subscribers on Instagram, Poupette Kenza shares the smallest details of her daily life. Family life, couple life… everything is there! And this earns her a lot of criticism. It is not uncommon for the young woman to find herself at the heart of heated controversies, especially when she was accused of mistreating her children or manipulating her subscribers about her so-called breakup with her husband Allan. But this time, a scene involving the latter was particularly shocking.

Poupette Kenza films a traumatic scene live

Accustomed to filming everything in her life, Poupette Kenza shared a traumatic moment this Monday, July 1st. While she was in Morocco, the latter grabbed her phone to show Allan lying on the ground, unconscious and having great difficulty breathingPanicked, the young woman then tried to resuscitate her husband with her hand and then her foot. “Traumatized by the scene”she later shared on Instagram as they were en route to the hospital.

Aware of the criticism that this video could generate, Poupette Kenza wanted to clarify two things. “The first one, when I posted, I had already resuscitated him. The second one, I posted out of panic, I was screaming everywhere, no one came to help me, I didn’t know what to do”. Then to conclude: “I’ll give you news of what the doctors say, the videos will be useful to me. I have just experienced the biggest trauma of my life, I will never get over it. I’m going to lose the little one, I feel it… I can’t feel my body anymore, that’s it, I’m paralyzed. I saw my husband leave, I’m in shock”.

Internet users denounce his choice to film Allan in distress

Internet users, for their part, clearly did not approve of Poupette Kenza’s way of doing things. “More how can you think of filming??? The traumatized children are crying next to me, I am shocked”, “Her husband is suffocating and his first instinct is to film. But it’s really very serious, we have to take away custody of her children”, “Basically, I’m team Poupette but this is too much she is completely crazy. She should be removed from all social networks, it’s not possible to be like that”, “Putting on a show every day, no longer having a private life, all of this has a definite impact on mental health. Even more so when you are not very stable. She has become a spectator of her own life.”could be read among the many comments.

Poupette Kenza: her husband victim of an epileptic seizure?

Fortunately, more fear than harm and Allan seems to be doing better. Still on Instagram, the one who chains bad buzz wanted to give news of her husband. “My love has come home to us”she begins before sharing the doctor’s diagnosis. “The doctor said epileptic crisis at 80% or 20% it is something in the brain”The young woman then confides that the couple intends to go to a specialist to confirm this. “We need to see a neurologist urgently, we have the prescription, we’ll be there tomorrow in Marrakech. I’ll drive the whole way, he’ll rest”. There is no doubt that Poupette will continue to share the rest of this traumatic episode with her subscribers.



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