Anny body dance club gala success

Anny body dance club gala success
Anny body dance club gala success

This year again, the gala was a great success, with a full house and an enthusiastic audience. Dancers of all ages performed to thunderous applause. Some big surprises were in store for the spectators, like when the mothers joined their daughters on stage for the song My love by Slimane.

Another highlight was when Lou, Eva and Mathilda performed, adorned with their outfits embellished with their magnificent Isis wings. As for Anny, she returned to service for a wild rock demonstration with the adults. She then warmly thanked and congratulated all the dancers and her staff, whether it was Lou and Karine for their choreographies, Nadège who took care of most of the costumes and who made or improved some herself and who took care of the dressing rooms.

She did not forget Nicholas for the quality sound and lighting work, which brought color and professionalism to the performance, without forgetting Vincent for the videos and Loïck for the soundtrack.

All the volunteers were honored for their constant investment.

“Like every gala, it’s a lot of work, but when the stars can be seen in the eyes of the dancers or the spectators, it’s the greatest reward for us. It’s a great moment of shared happiness and I’m delighted to see them happy.”confided Anny.

Next year will be the club’s 40th anniversary.

Correspondent Midi Libre: [email protected]



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