A government website supposed to protect users from hackers has itself fallen victim to this

A government website supposed to protect users from hackers has itself fallen victim to this
A government website supposed to protect users from hackers has itself fallen victim to this

The hunter becomes the hunter… Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, a government platform supposed to prevent acts of cybercrime, has itself been the victim of “identity theft” for the purposes of mass fraud, reports Clubic.

This online service aims, among other things, to warn the French about malicious campaigns as they begin to spread by email or SMS.

But since shoemakers are always the worst shod, it was to inform users of his own “diversion” that he addressed them, on his website and on social networks, from Monday July 1, 2024.

The platform’s press release could not be clearer, announcing “since this Monday morning, July 1, 2024, waves of phishing messages (emails) impersonating Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr have been sent massively.”

The hackers are in fact sending messages whose subject – “Support program for victims of fraud” – is supposed to instill a dose of anxiety; the sender has an address in “cybermalveillance.gouv.fr” and presents himself as an “agent” of the platform, explains Clubic.

The body of the message then encourages its recipients to respond to the (false) platform to be helped… which leads them, if they follow through with their approach, to pay so that their alleged damage is taken care of and reimbursed.

Our “Cybercrime” file

The Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr website naturally invites users who have received this type of message not to respond to it.



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