“My mother gave me a love of this culture”: star in China, Joyce Jonathan wins local “Star Academy”

“My mother gave me a love of this culture”: star in China, Joyce Jonathan wins local “Star Academy”
“My mother gave me a love of this culture”: star in China, Joyce Jonathan wins local “Star Academy”

The French singer won the final of “Cheng Feng”, a telecrochet which is breaking audience records in China.

A country with which she maintains a special bond, her mother having created a Franco-Chinese tourism agency in the 1990s.

Having become a real star there, she has been giving concerts there regularly for several years.

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She conquered the Middle Kingdom. This Thursday, June 27, Joyce Jonathan won the finale of “Cheng Feng”, a talent show that is breaking audience records on the Mango TV channel. In this local equivalent of “Star Academy”, 36 experienced singers over thirty years old had agreed to challenge themselves by participating in classes and major live shows.

Nicknamed locally “JJ”, Joyce Jonathan was the only Frenchwoman and the last European to reach the final. During the four months of filming, apart from “Aux Champs-Élysées” by Joe Dassin, the singer of “Pas besoin de toi” only sang songs in Mandarin. A real challenge that she took up with flying colours, despite her limited knowledge of the language.

This is the biggest TV set I’ve ever seen

Joyce Jonathan

“It’s a country where everything is disproportionately big, like this show”the 34-year-old singer told us, still impressed by this extraordinary adventure, as we can see in the video at the top of this article. “It’s the biggest TV set I’ve ever seen. Huge screens, extraordinary sets”she continues, stars still shining in her eyes.

In just a few weeks, this mother of a 3-year-old girl has won over Chinese fans and generated thirteen and a half billion views on the Internet. It must be said that it was not entirely by chance that she ended up on the show.

She made her first trip to China at the age of 8 and a half.

“My mother created a tourism agency in the 1980s called La Maison de la Chine. She was truly a pioneer in the field of tourism between the French and the Chinese. She gave me this love for this culture ever since. that I am very small”, admits Joyce Jonathan, who made her first trip to China at the age of eight and a half.

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The singer who appeared in “Dancing with the Stars” and “Mask Singer” also gives concerts there every year. She has even had a local manager for 15 years. During her stay, she recorded a song with Shang Wenjie, a Chinese superstar who has no fewer than 60 million followers on Instagram. The song, entitled “La Rencontre des lumières”, celebrates Franco-Chinese friendship. A friendship that is not about to end since Joyce Jonathan is expected in China in the fall for a series of concerts.

The editorial staff of TF1info | TF1 report: Didier Piereschi, Jean-François Drouillet



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