Trap: release, casting, story… Everything you need to know about M. Night Shyamalan’s new mystery thriller – Cinema News

Trap: release, casting, story… Everything you need to know about M. Night Shyamalan’s new mystery thriller – Cinema News
Trap: release, casting, story… Everything you need to know about M. Night Shyamalan’s new mystery thriller – Cinema News

Two months after his daughter Ishana (“Les Guetteurs”) it will be M. Night Shyamalan’s turn to shine in theaters with “Trap”. And here’s what we know about this new film. Definitely mysterious.

On June 12, his daughter Ishana presented us with her first feature film, The Watchers. And proved to us that the love of the mysterious thriller with a horror tendency was hereditary. Two months later, M. Night Shymalan will be back with Trap, his sixteenth film production.

A year after Knock at the Cabin, which was inspired by the novel by Paul G. Tremblay, the author of Sixième Sens and Unbreakable returns with an original scenario that is already very intriguing.

Release date: when is Trap released? Where will we see it?

The release of Trap is scheduled for August 7 in French theaters. History of refreshing spectators in the middle of summer, thanks to the air conditioning of cinemas, and the thrills that this thriller could provide.

Casting: who plays in Trap?

His career could have been very different if he had agreed to play Superman in the early 2000s. And perhaps it would not have hit a slump during the following decade, during which few of his films were released in our theaters, the Penny Dreadful series having nevertheless allowed us to catch up with him.

But there is a little return of hype for Josh Hartnett, seen with Guy Ritchie (A Wrathful Man, Operation Fortune), in Black Mirror, in front of the camera of Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer). And so, today, that of M. Night Shyamalan, who directs him for the first time.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Alongside her, Ariel Donoghue plays her character’s daughter in a cast where the most famous faces will be those of Hayley Mills (The Spy with the Velvet Paws) and Alison Pill (Scott Pilgrim).

We can also expect, as in each of his films, that M. Night Shymalan will make an appearance. But it is already a given that his daughter Saleka, actress and singer, will be there. Also with a key role in the soundtrack.

The story: what is Trap about?

“A father and his teenage daughter attend a pop music concert and then realize that they are at the heart of a distressing event…” : the official synopsis can be summed up in a few words, and it’s already quite enticing.

Those who want to know more can watch the trailer, to know that everything revolves around the supposed presence of a serial killer at the event. And discover one of the twists… which could very well be a false lead, as it seems strange to bring down this card during the promotion.

Especially from M. Night Shyamalan, who has more than once proven his love of the opposite. The twist here may be that there is none, but everything suggests that Trap has not revealed all its secrets. Good news: you don’t have to wait long before discovering them.

A link between Trap and Les Guetteurs?

They share the same distributor (Warner) and were released two months apart in the same year. We can therefore wonder if there might not be a link between the films of Ishana and M. Night Shyamalan. One takes place in Ireland (The Watchers) and the other in the United States (Trap), so it’s unlikely they have any characters in common.

But who knows? What if M. Night Shyamalan’s new twist is in how he goes beyond his own narrative, when Split was revealed to be a sequel to Unbreakable? Another mystery that we’ll have the answer to in early August.



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