Taylor Swift’s partner’s adorable secrets about Princess Charlotte – Closer

Taylor Swift’s partner’s adorable secrets about Princess Charlotte – Closer
Taylor Swift’s partner’s adorable secrets about Princess Charlotte – Closer

The selfie went viral on social media. In the photo appear
Prince William, his children George and Charlotte
in the company of Taylor Swift. The publication posted on the Instagram account of the Prince of Wales and his wife garnered more than 3 million likes.

The summit meeting almost did not take place.
“It was a nightmare to get in (into the stadium, editor’s note), they were very late whereas they had planned to arrive earlier to be able to meet Taylor before because they knew they wanted to leave before the end,” indicates an anonymous source to our colleagues from the media Hello!.

Taylor Swift: her partner has a crush on the British royal family

If the exchange only lasted about fifteen minutes at most,

Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce, he had the opportunity to chat longer with William and his children. The British charm of the royal family had its little effect on the American football player.

[William] was awesome. So cool, we hear him enthuse in the podcast he co-hosts with his brothers Jason. I had a hard time realizing it because it was with little George and Charlotteit was a real pleasure to meet them. I didn’t know whether to bow to them, curtsy or shake their hands like some idiot American.”

Travis Kelce, fan of Princess Charlotte?

Charlotte made a particularly strong impression on the athlete. “I have to say Prince William was fantastic, but The one we saw the most was Princess Charlotte. Prince George was nice too. But his sister was really adorable. I couldn’t stand seeing her like that anymore… She was clearly a super star!he confides in his podcast.

Above all, Taylor Swift’s lover was delighted not to have to obey British etiquette. “They told me I didn’t need to bow or curtsy because we weren’t at a royal event. But I still had to call him ‘your royal highness’says the Kansas City Chiefs player. A gesture of such British elegance!



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