awareness of Hellfest

awareness of Hellfest
awareness of Hellfest

Festival-goers of the 17the edition of Hellfest, which continues until Sunday June 30, 2024 in Clisson (Loire-Atlantique), cannot be missed. For the first time in the history of the rock-metal festival, a specific system to combat sexist and sexual violence – for the public but also internally (for professionals and volunteers) – has been put in place.

“Support and secure the festival-goer’s journey”

Under the name Hellcare, this system is relayed on site by a cohort of some 150 volunteers, health professionals (including psychologists) or education professionals and duly trained.

Dressed in a very recognizable electric blue, they carry out, among other things, patrols and are responsible for collecting speeches, or even more if the situation requires it. In addition to four stands scattered around the site, an application, experimental for the moment, has even been set up to facilitate alerts.

« We know that we are in a festive environment where life is fully celebrated. The idea is to support and secure the festival-goer’s journey. We knew that we could probably do better in this area, that we were not perfect. But there is a real desire from management to move forward on these issues, to learn and to act. “, explains Cindy Pajot, responsible since 1is March of CSR (social responsibilities of organizations) questions for Hellfest.

This position was created to this « because it is not necessarily the job of festival organizers to deal with these subjects. “. In other words, giving an event which welcomes 240,000 visitors each year the means to take these societal issues into its own hands. Especially since, in previous years, he has suffered reproaches and even attacks in these areas.

An alert committee

In previous editions, several associations present at the festival were already working in this register. They are fully integrated into the Hellcare system whose objective is “ in a longer-term strategy, to go even further. » This is done through an alert committee which has already been set up within the Hellfest team. whose members have been trained ».

Very specific clauses have also been added in the different work organizations, not only for employees, but also for volunteers or artists. and all stakeholders of the festival. »

Hellfest will also not fail to exchange its experience in this area with other festivals which also have the desire to be up to the task on these essential issues.

Xavier Le Roux



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