Nudist beach: Some tips before you undress

Nudist beach: Some tips before you undress
Nudist beach: Some tips before you undress

With the nice summer weather, some might try the experience of a nudist beach, but before you get naked, you need to know some manners.

“CNN” questioned the president of the International Naturist Federation, Stéphane Deschênes. The priority is to find out, according to him.

“Naturism means different things to different people and the term is sometimes misused,” he noted. So you need to understand what you’re looking for.”

There is no single naturist ideology, but the lifestyle is generally focused on social nudity and not sexuality.

“Fortunately, naturism has always been very well organized,” he stressed.

Break the ice

For her part, a former retired professor, Ronna Krozy, recalled that there is no ideal context for breaking the ice. She has been a nudist for 30 years. An uncrowded nudist beach would not make the experience easier according to her.

“No one knows if it’s your first time,” she said. Maybe it’s easier to go to a place with tons of people and take your clothes off all at once.”

Ms. Krozy added that keeping your distance without going too close to a stranger is a way of being courteous. Additionally, for reasons of hygiene, it is best to use a towel before sitting on a chair at the beach.

“Don’t place your chair or blanket too close to anyone,” she advised. Anything that resembles sexual activity, such as pressing your body against someone else, is not allowed.”

In the eyes

When talking to another person, it is recommended to look them in the eye.

“Look people in the eye, because that can help you focus more easily,” Krozy said. “Don’t gape, because that’s considered rude.”

Stéphane Deschênes, for his part, demystified the fear of some who fear sexual arousal in public. However, it is possible to hide with a towel or go into the water to take your mind off things. This type of solution is rarely used according to him.

“It’s a big fear,” he said. This is understandable since most men have spent their entire lives connecting nudity and sex. As a man, if you’re nervous, you rarely show signs of excitement.”

Mr. Deschênes recalled that women who have their period can wear underwear without problem.



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