The horoscope for Thursday June 27, 2024

The horoscope for Thursday June 27, 2024
The horoscope for Thursday June 27, 2024

You can find more horoscopes and get a live consultation at 3210. You can also find advice from Christine Haas every day on Instagram to make the most of the day’s situation.


It’s not that you’ll want to, but it’s that you might have to take breaks because you’ll lack energy! With Mars in Taurus, you accept tasks in addition to those you do daily, or which require you to invest your full effort, and you overestimate your strengths. But, in some cases, you will be forced to take care of a loved one who is not doing well and show compassion towards them, when you would rather like to shake them!


The conjunction between the Moon and Saturn is, like every month, in harmony with your sign, especially 2nd decan. It gives you strength to fight for your ideas or for a humanitarian cause. However, it depends on the position of the Sun and this month it is in Cancer. This sign represents your loved ones, brothers and sisters above all, and perhaps your “cause” will be to defend one of them or to give them advice to better manage their boat. But will you be listened to? There is the question.


Still in Pisces, the Moon will not be as friendly as yesterday, to the extent that it meets Saturn and the two stars are in dissonance with you, especially born around June 9 and 10. Once again, you will have to complain about your professional situation, which may not live up to your expectations. But are you doing what it takes to find the ideal place, the one where you could flourish without problem?


You will be in a good mood for most of the day, you may even have wings on your back… However, at the end of the day the Moon (your planet) will be in dissonance with Saturn and all of a sudden you will feel gloomy, sad perhaps, unless you turn to the past and stir up memories that are not the best. Try to go the opposite way and only think about your future plans, you certainly have some, especially 3rd decan.


Not only does the Moon meet Saturn, but Mercury is in relation with it. So, ideally, you should behave in a Saturnian manner, that is to say with rigor and efficiency! In any case, this is what you will feel, and it will be good for you to follow your feelings. That said, in some cases, there may be sadness linked to news that you will learn, and you will try to control what you feel and what you do not like.


If all goes well for part of the day, at some point in its second part, there will be dissonance between the Moon and Saturn. And inevitably you will experience sadness or frustration. Fortunately, Saturn will retrograde on the 29th and it will bother those in the 2nd decan less. You may also feel alone, or abandoned by the person you love, especially if you were born around September 11 or 12. So Saturn will retrograde, that is to say, will be less active, until November 14. This period of reflection will be useful for you to try to see the positive side of the situation.


We are talking about Saturn again today because the Moon will be in conjunction with it in the second part of the day and you will probably be very tired. We saw yesterday that you certainly have a lot of work or a significant mental load, and today this will have its effect on your morale or even physically: back pain, digestive problems and other functional disorders linked to stress that many have been feeling for years. month.


There is still a very strong situation in the sky this Thursday! Mercury and Saturn are in exact harmony, as we saw yesterday, and moreover the Moon is moving towards a conjunction (the strongest aspect) with this same Saturn. The planet is even more powerful as it is activated by two other planets and all this is in good aspect with you. You will have a kind of quiet strength that will impress everyone you meet. Even if you were born around November 5, 6 and someone is trying to make trouble for you.


You will be sensitive to Saturn’s influences today, very sensitive even since the planet is activated by two others, the Moon (conjunction) and Mercury (good aspect). Perhaps the seriousness of a situation will jump out at you and it will demoralize you at the time, but you never stay demoralized for very long if you are a true Sagittarius. This could concern someone in the family with whom you are on bad terms, or who has a health problem.


Not only is the harmonious aspect between Mercury and Saturn accurate today, but the Moon will pass by conjunction on this same Saturn. Your planet therefore takes on even more importance than yesterday and your deep nature comes out more clearly. You could take a step forward in understanding how you need to go about achieving your goal(s) and thus fulfilling your ambition. Your ability to concentrate on your goals is really very strong.


Among your Pisces neighbors, the Moon meets the very serious Saturn and this happens, like every month since 2023, in your money sector. Either you’re missing out because you’re earning less, or you’ve made a major purchase or investment that requires you to tighten your belt a little. This will likely be a topic of reflection today, with some more anxious than others about their future in this field.


You know, Saturn is with you and today the Moon will enter into conjunction with the severe planet. You will all hear about it, especially those born around March 9 and 10. Either you will feel more solid, more constructed and more mature (if the situation acts positively), or you will be sad, lonely, and feel abandoned. That said, what happens in your sign is often the result of your overactive imagination.

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