Does Mathilde Seigner organize dinners with Jordan Bardella and celebrities? His response which leaves no room for doubt

Does Mathilde Seigner organize dinners with Jordan Bardella and celebrities? His response which leaves no room for doubt
Does Mathilde Seigner organize dinners with Jordan Bardella and celebrities? His response which leaves no room for doubt

Mathilde Seigner, the famous actress, recently returned to the forefront of the news on the sidelines of the highly anticipated legislative elections. As France looks towards its future This Sunday, the name of the actress was mentioned in an article in the independent online media Glitz. Insinuations that the actress probably didn’t like at all. The latter sent a terse message on Instagram to denounce the slander of an article published a few days ago.

France is at a key moment in its history, and in the political world, every opportunity to weaken its adversaries seems welcome. The world thus echoed supposed dinners organized by Mathilde Seigner in order to connect Jordan Bardella with influential people in the media sphere. “Mathilde Seigner has been organizing dinners for a year bringing together actors, chefs and athletes around Jordan Bardella.”

These allegations were based on comments made by Louis Aliot, the mayor of Perpignan. The latter corroborates the theory according to which public figures would actually be close to the National Rally. “There are a lot of people around us that you don’t see who are going to come out.” While waiting for these individuals to come forward, Mathilde Seigner wanted to set the record straight.

Mathilde Seigner does not intend to stop there

Via her Instagram account, the actress posted a long message, without possible ambiguity. We can thus feel her anger and indignation at being exploited in this crucial period. Mathilde Seigner mentions in particular her desire to file a complaint in order to restore her image which has been tarnished by these allegations.

“It is unbearable to be used politically. I do not belong to or support any political movement. It is unbearable that journalists tell such lies without even bothering to contact me or check their “sources”. My lawyer will urgently file a defamation complaint public protest against the press articles published in Glitz and Le Monde which broadcast this.” we could read on the publication. That is clear.



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