fans who sued her for being late on stage withdraw their complaint

fans who sued her for being late on stage withdraw their complaint
fans who sued her for being late on stage withdraw their complaint

The two fans who sued Madonna for arriving on stage two hours late finally withdrew their complaint.

Madonna will finally not be judged for being two hours late to a concert. The two fans who criticized the star for his lateness and the disappointments that it had caused them, withdrew their complaint.

Madonna’s lawyer assured that this “was not the result of an agreement” between fans and Madonna.

In their complaint, filed in January 2024, the two fans, Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden, spoke of their difficulty in finding transportation home at the end of the concert, and the fact that they had to get up early the next morning . They said they would not have bought tickets if they had known the concert would start so late.

They accused Madonna, Live Nation the concert promoter and Barclays Center, the venue, of “abusive, unfair and/or deceptive business practices” regarding the concert’s start time. This constituted, according to them, a breach of contract and false advertising, indicates the Guardian.

“The fans got what they paid for”

The singer, for her part, had her lawyers file a request for dismissal on April 4, arguing that “the fans had gotten exactly what they had paid for: an entire, high-quality show by the queen of pop”.

The fans’ complaint related to the concert on December 13, 2023, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, as part of his retrospective tour The Celebration Tour. The star showed up two hours late, starting the show at 10:30 p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m. The star’s lawyers also recalled that Madonna’s concerts rarely started on time and that these fans, for whom this was not the star’s first concert, knew it.

Madonna is indeed accustomed to these delays. She had already been sued by a fan from Florida, who demanded a refund of her tickets.

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