Marie (Married at First Sight) contacted by a “very close” friend of Jérémy: their exchange revealed

Marie (Married at First Sight) contacted by a “very close” friend of Jérémy: their exchange revealed
Marie (Married at First Sight) contacted by a “very close” friend of Jérémy: their exchange revealed

In Married at first sight This year, the results were once again not very positive. In fact, few couples decided to stay together, and among them, unfortunately, there are no Marie and Jeremy. Everything had started well between these two who were 82% compatible. So much so that they fell in love with each other at their wedding. This was followed by a beautiful honeymoon in Morocco where things came to fruition. But when it was time to see each other again in France after this enchanted interlude, it was the end of the fairy tale. Jeremy then completely changed his behavior towards his wife.

After an off-the-record confrontation where he told her everything he thought, Jeremy announced to the experts his desire to divorce rather than to Marie directly. And since then, he has been considered a bit of a the villain of this season Married at first sight. The young man even said he was overwhelmed with critical messages on social media. Something that made one of his friends react, who believes that it is all Marie’s fault. While she was doing a question and answer on Instagram, the latter allowed himself to translate the bottom of his thoughts by making an intervention.

Marie, taken to task by a friend of Jérémy, is not lacking in firmness!

Why do you let Jeremy pass for PN? (narcissistic pervert, editor’s note) ? A stalker?“, he asked Marie. And she immediately said: “Hello Chris ! (Chris is a very close friend of Jeremy from whom I received this very first message – a reproach in the form of a question, to be exact – since the wedding). So to answer you: I do not let Jeremy pass for a stalker (I have never read that on my page), nor for a narcissistic pervert, I have never called him such. This is the conclusion and the opinion of people who followed our adventure. I have no control or power over the feelings and opinions of the people who follow me despite what you seem to think. I absolutely do not condone or validate the violence or threats he may have received. but for which I am not responsible or at the origin. It is up to each of us to assume and take responsibility for our actions and our own words” she replied.

And to conclude with sarcasm: “Thank you for taking the time to write my name in the search bar, to go to my profile because you don’t follow me, to watch my stories, and to ask me this ‘question’, it’s nice to be able to exchange with you“. Note that Marie cut ties with Jérémy since the report was broadcast on M6.



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