Pay attention to the good ideas of Yannis Gautier – La Pensée du Jour

Swave the scriptures

Did God really say it?
Genesis 3.1

Every day, several ideas come to mind. Some are good and put God first, but others emanate from our desires, or even from the devil, whose desire is to deceive us. We must then abandon them.

I know a Christian who is well involved in church. He had a good job, then, overnight, he became convinced that God was calling him to start his own business. So certain he was on the right track, he refuted all advice. However, after investing all his savings, he found himself bankrupt and covered in debt a year later.

When you have an idea, you need to ask yourself what its purpose is, whether it is in harmony with God’s will, whether it goes against His Word.

Remember that it is through a simple suggestion (Did God really say ?”) that Satan has succeeded in pushing man into disobedience. So show discernment so as not to fall into any deception and not to suffer the repercussions of a bad decision.

Elisten to the voice of God

Are you thinking of submitting your “good ideas” to the Lord? Take the time to listen to what God wants to say to you about this.

Praying is simple. Talk to God like a close friend who can hear everything. You can tell him: Lord, you know me because you are my creator ! I bless you for all the ideas that come to me, but I need your wisdom to sort through them and know which ones I can implement. Come and give me discernment, so that I may act for your glory.

Louer God

To praise God is to show him our gratitude. Today, what are your subjects of recognition? For example, you can thank the Lord for his presence in your life, and for the wisdom he gives you every time you lack it and ask him for it.

HASact today

Now how are you going to apply what God has told you? If you are not in the habit of submitting your ideas and plans to the Lord, you can start doing so now. In return, it will provide you with the insight you need, and as a bonus you will have peace about your choices.

Hhonor the Lord

Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

​​Thank you, Lord, you are the most wonderful guide for my life ! Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, amen !”

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