Cyril Hanouna on Europe 1: Arcom intervenes after only three days on the air

Cyril Hanouna on Europe 1: Arcom intervenes after only three days on the air
Cyril Hanouna on Europe 1: Arcom intervenes after only three days on the air

Arcom reminded Europe 1 on Wednesday of its obligations in terms of “pluralism” and D'”honesty” with respect to “election news», two days after the launch of a program entrusted to the controversial host Cyril Hanouna, in a letter consulted by AFP.

“Measure and honesty” requested

The star of C8, a channel owned by conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré, landed on Monday on the businessman’s radio to present a daily show, “On marche sur la tête”, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., in advance legislative elections.

In a letter revealed by a journalist from Mondethe audiovisual regulator reminds the station, “particularly with regard to recent developments in» its grid, its obligation to “deal with electoral news with moderation and honesty».

Europe 1 must also ensure “strictly” has “ensure a plurality of points of view in debate programs», writes Arcom.

An absence of pluralism singled out

«More generally“, the radio must comply “to the requirement for pluralism of information as it arises» of a decision of the Council of State in February, explains the authority, which wants “know the measures as soon as possible» which Europe 1 intends to implement to comply with its various obligations.

Seized by Reporters Without Borders of the case of CNews, also controlled by Vincent Bolloré and considered by the NGO as a “opinion media», the Council of State then ordered Arcom to strengthen its control of channel pluralism. The regulator should unveil a reinforced system before the end of the summer but the principle of the decision already applies.

Since Monday, many observers have pointed out the absence of pluralism in Cyril Hanouna’s radio show, in favor of the far right.

Cyril Hanouna, a regular at slip-ups

Arcom thus indicated to AFP that it had been contacted for the first issue of the show, where the mayor of Béziers and former close friend of Marine Le Pen Robert Ménard, the former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the RN MEP Matthieu Vallet and the president of Reconquête! Eric Zemmour.

The regulator was also contacted for the last of “Touche pas à mon poste” last Thursday. During this broadcast, Cyril Hanouna played matchmaker by calling the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, so that the MEP Reconquest! Sarah Knafo leaves him a message and demands an agreement in view of the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The day before, Cyril Hanouna had declared that he would leave France in the event of a victory for the rebels, subsequently pleading a “boutade».

The 49-year-old host is no stranger to slip-ups and his broadcasts have earned C8 a barrage of sanctions from Arcom, for a total of 7.5 million euros.



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