The horoscope for Monday June 17, 2024

The horoscope for Monday June 17, 2024
The horoscope for Monday June 17, 2024

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The meeting between Mercury and Venus takes place in an important sector of your chart, that of family, home, but also the past. Someone might come back. An ex with whom you broke up or who left and who regrets it. The problem with your sign is that you don’t like it reheated! In any case, it’s very rare… you prefer to conquer or reconquer, but if it’s the other person who solicits you, there’s a chance that you’ll be neither hot nor cold.


Well connected to Mars, the conjunction between Venus and Mercury is very positive for your 1st decan. It indicates that you are likely to be strongly attracted to someone. It may be a person you already know but superficially and you would like to go deeper… This situation can give you the opportunity to confide in each other and thus accentuate the complicity that seems to have been born between you.


You will hand over to Cancer on Thursday, but today a nice situation suggests that you could receive a gift, or receive money. Indeed, Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the sector which represents it, and which is also attributed to your possessions, your purchases, and your comfort in general. Depending on your ascendant, it is also possible that you are in love or that someone declares their love for you, especially 1st decan.


You are, without a doubt, the most spoiled of all, especially if you are from the 1st decan: it is possible that love or money will fall into your lap this Monday or tomorrow. Indeed, Mercury and Venus are conjunct all week and those born in June can only be happy about it. Of course, it’s fleeting, the planets are fast, but you could also learn good news, or receive a visit that will make you very happy. Flirting can also make you feel younger.


1st decan, born after July 28, Mars will still be powerful this week. You will have to fight for something or defend yourself against someone. A decision may have been made without you, which will make you angry, unless someone puts obstacles in your way. However, you also receive a good aspect from Jupiter which, as I have already told you, represents a person who is ready to help you, whether it is a friend or someone who offers very good advice.


The aspect of the week which brings together Venus and Mercury in Cancer is very positive for you, a recent meeting or a friendship could evolve, if you are from August. It may be that it remains strictly friendly and that will suit you, but it is also possible that love follows friendship. The only question concerns the aspect Jupiter sends you and which is double-edged: either you allow yourself to move forward, or on the contrary you forbid yourself from doing so.


Starting today and all week if you were born in September and early October, you will be able to sign a contract or get a lucrative deal. We can also make you an offer which you will think about, but it will make you very happy and you will accept it. This can prove very positive in the longer term as Jupiter is still in harmony with you: this continues until July 10, indicating that you are gaining importance. Afterwards, it is the 2nd decan which will have its (good) news.


Fast planets are favorable to you, they invite you to flourish, personally or professionally. But it is very possible that there is an obstacle! You might have met someone you feel comfortable with, unless you’re away from home and having a little one-night stand, accepting that it’s distance that can be a serious obstacle.


This week’s conjunction between Mercury and Venus forms in a sector that manages your finances, your investments or the sales you can make. Regardless of the area involved, you will apparently be very happy with what you get. The situation can also express itself in the personal domain and provoke delicious torments in you on the romantic level. A little jealousy perhaps, some suspicions…


Venus and Mercury sit opposite you in the 1st decan of Cancer and are very favorable to your encounters, whether romantic or professional. There will probably be an outing planned or a group activity, and it turns out that you will like someone or you will like it. In any case, you will be touched by this person, you will have the impression that they correspond to what you are looking for. As a couple, your social life will be more exciting.


If Mercury and Venus in Cancer have an influence on you, it is possible that you are happy with your job or that a colleague is making you angry. This especially concerns the 1st decan, which must also support a dissonance from Mars: as it occupies your sector of the family, it could not appreciate the person or the work that you like, which risks preventing you from exploring all the possibilities that the situation, whatever it may be, can offer you.


For you, born in February, the situation is really warm, it makes you shine. You will love your image in the mirror and receive lots of compliments. You will take great care of your look, which you do not always do, some of you preferring to remain natural. You have the whole week ahead of you, so exercise your charms in every way possible and with everyone. Children are also favored and a source of pride.

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