here is the spectacular cost of her vacation with Brigitte Macron at Fort de Brégançon

here is the spectacular cost of her vacation with Brigitte Macron at Fort de Brégançon
here is the spectacular cost of her vacation with Brigitte Macron at Fort de Brégançon

With the approach of summermany French people are starting to prepare for their holidays and the time they will spend away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Indeed, taking a few days or weeks off from your professional life is essential for guarantee your well-being. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic, is also taking some time off during his five-year term.

In fact, the head of state has the possibility of take a break during his years at the head of the country. In general, he goes with his wife, Brigitte Macron, to Fort de Brégançon, in the south of France. However, these vacations come at a spectacular financial cost.

Fort de Brégançon is one of the vacation residences of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron

Despite his status, the President of the Republic can take vacations during his five-year term. In general, he takes at least two or three weeks break during the summer season. One of the presidential residences is located in the south of France, within the commune of Bormes-les-Mimosas, in the Var department. This is Fort de Brégançon. This large residence is more precisely located on a sort of island, still connected to the mainland and the Var commune.

This Fort received many presidents and their wives for their vacation. Indeed, François Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac and François Hollande notably stayed there. The particularity of Fort de Brégançon is that it offers a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea and therefore allows the Head of State to take time away from the hustle and bustle of Parisian life. However, the vacations spent there by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron since 2018 still cost the state a lot of money.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron’s vacation at Fort de Brégançon came at a staggering cost

The financial cost linked to the President of the Republic’s vacation is always significant. Indeed, from numerous expense items are to be taken into account. In the case of Emmanuel Macron’s vacation at Fort de Brégançon, renovation costs were first generated, according to the media Gala in 2019. Dating from the 17th century, this fort needed a lot of work including the renovation of the kitchen for a sum of 50,000 euros, painting work at 10,000 euros, the overhaul of the residence’s electrical network, for a total of 10,000 euros and construction of a swimming pool for a total of 34,000 euros. These expenses were financed by the government, in « president’s vacation budget ».

In addition to renovation costs, Emmanuel Macron’s vacation at Fort de Brégançon involves numerous expenses linked to the security. To do this, the residence is placed under close surveillance, well before the arrival of the presidential couple. This monitoring is firstly carried out at sea, by boat and underwater by divers from the gendarmerie, which represents an additional hit of 60,000 euros. Any possible arrival by air is also closely monitored.

crédit photo : Shutterstock Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron, like to go to Fort de Brégançon for their vacations.

Emmanuel Macron benefits from reinforced protection, even during his vacation

In addition to aerial and maritime surveillance, major surveillance on land is also put in place to prevent any entry of unknown people from outside the presidential couple. Special forces are also responsible for security of Emmanuel Macron and his wife during their travels outside the Fort. These expenses are already taken into account by the Élysée as part of the protection of the President of the Republic.

Partial or poorly organized protection of the president can have serious consequences. In fact, this protection makes it possible to guarantee the stability of the state through the security of its leader. Emmanuel Macron therefore benefits from reinforced protection, even during moments of break in his professional life through vacation.



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