The hidden face celebrates its 20th anniversary, of passion, sharing and love of records

The hidden face celebrates its 20th anniversary, of passion, sharing and love of records
The hidden face celebrates its 20th anniversary, of passion, sharing and love of records

The hidden face celebrates its 20th anniversary this Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15. For the occasion, the independent record store in Metz is welcoming music fans to a series of concerts. A look back at 20 years of adventure serving music and records.

In Metz (Moselle), The Hidden Face celebrates its 20th anniversary this Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15, 2024. “20 years of music in my head, 20 years of service, 20 years of LPs worn to the dregs. 20 years of standing, manning a rickety counter, weakened by the weight of unclassifiable records with abrasive sleeves”, says the message on the birthday card. When he looks back, Médéric Kéblé, the independent record dealer and founder of the store, has fun, “we had so many parties, so many things”.

In 20 years, The Hidden Face has established its name among music and record enthusiasts. In the bins on rue du Lancieu, some 30,000 vinyls and nearly 10,000 CDs, rock, jazz or reggae, classical music, hip-hop, or experimental music, local groups and classics. “As the premises are large, we can offer lots of things. We try to have something for everyone. We are less specialized in techno because we know less about it. But otherwise, we have a little bit of everything “, Médéric blurted.

I was a fan of 45 rpm

In addition to the store, “opened almost by chance”, The hidden side is also its record fairs which make it famous. That’s how the story began. “I went to my first record fair, I was 18. I had just gotten my license. I was a fan of 45s”, says Médéric Kéblé. At the time, to build up a stock, he started with a batch of jukebox records, purchased second-hand. “I bought 2000 of them I think. I had borrowed 4000 francs from my father and I made almost 6000 francs in a quarter of an hour, because I sold my best records in a quarter of an hour . And after that, I didn’t sell anything anymore. Obviously, the best ones were gone.”continues the record store, laughing.

It has to be user-friendly in the store, especially now

Ten years after his first record fair, he opened the store, first in the German district, then in the city center. And he adds other strings to his bow, mail order sales, the labels of La face hidden with nearly 200 records produced and concerts in the store. “It has to be user-friendly in the store, especially at the moment”, says the record store which plans to do more concerts in the coming months. Add to that, a group of friends, musicians, a loyal clientele of music lovers and always this same passion for music, and you obtain part of the recipe for longevity of La face hidden. “And there was a big core of Metz musicians when I started. It’s changed a little now”says Médéric.

At the time of celebrating his 20th birthday, the manager of La Face Couvert is still smiling but he is wondering about the future. The Covid-19 epidemic has slowed down activity and since the war in Ukraine, there have been fewer customers. “Like the entire profession, we lost nearly 30% of turnover. Purchasing power fell significantly. We felt it immediately. So, we are being a little careful at the moment”explains Médéric Kéblé, “we’re holding on but we’re being careful”he said.

Today, the clientele is still regular and varied. “There’s a bit of everything, there are collectors. There are people who listen, people who only buy 3-ball cheapos, little 45s. There are people with a nosy mind, others who have more means and who will buy what they want directly”, details the Metz record store. But when he thinks about tomorrow, he is more questioning. “We’re in a bit of a transition period. We don’t know how generational renewal will happen because a lot of young people listen to music via streaming now. We still have young people aged 15-25 who come to stores but “Will there be enough? I’m not sure. So right now the big picture for the future is uncertain.”believes Médéric Kéblé.

“But the party will be fine”reassures Médéric. “We always have a little money for a drink”, he jokes. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, La face hidden is organizing a festival at Les Trinitaires, this Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15. Rock, synthetic punk, jungle and even industrial, on stage, more than a dozen groups to accompany the transition to the 20th year of La face hidden. For the occasion, the record store brought out the barbecue (“giant”), as in the heyday of the rue desAllemands store and with the same state of mind, “this festival is really for fun, to have fun”.



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