Rennes: families of road accident victims invited to a photo session for a project with JR

Rennes: families of road accident victims invited to a photo session for a project with JR
Rennes: families of road accident victims invited to a photo session for a project with JR


Hugo Murtas

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 7:06 a.m.

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As usual, the project imagined by the French artist JR is intended to be XXL: 2000 photos in portrait format displayed on the Pont de l’Alma in Paris. The people photographed all have in common that they have lost a loved one under the age of 25 in a traffic accident.

Contacted by news Rennesthe Yannick Alléno association, which contributes to the artist’s project, confirms than a photoshoot is organized in Rennes, Wednesday June 19, 2024. If families of victims have already registered for this event, it is still possible to participate by contacting the association directly.

Whether you are parents, brothers, sisters, cousins ​​or friends, your participation counts (…) This action aims to allow those who remain to emerge from invisibility.

Yannick Alleno Association

To register, you must send your request as soon as possible to the following email address: [email protected]

Families are expected to Espace Ouest-France at 38, rue du Pré-Botté, reindeer. The photoshoot will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. The final work by the artist JR should be exhibited in September 2024, in Paris.

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