Adriana Karembeu reveals the 2 magic drinks that helped her stay trim after 50

Adriana Karembeu reveals the 2 magic drinks that helped her stay trim after 50
Adriana Karembeu reveals the 2 magic drinks that helped her stay trim after 50

Adriana Karembeu, the beloved former supermodel and presenter, is admired for her timeless beauty and slim figure. And this even after crossing the 50-year mark. But women are not just physical. Before being propelled into the spotlight, the media personality completed several years of medical studies.

And this solid scientific background has allowed him to develop a deep understanding of health and nutrition. This expertise, combined with a family education focused on natural well-being, has given him the tools necessary to maintain his fitness in a healthy and sustainable way.

Adriana Karembeu: nutrition, a passion passed down from mother to daughter

In addition to her career on television and on the catwalks, Adriana Karembeu shares her knowledge in various works, particularly focused on nutrition. A favorite subject which the 52-year-old woman inherited from her mother. “My mother was a nutritionist. She was originally a doctor and later specialized in nutrition. »she revealed on the occasion of the re-edition of her book My Gourmet Cuisine in the columns of Gala in December 2023.

However, it was only at the beginning of her career in modeling that Adriana Karembeu became interested in this very particular field. “I remember wondering, ‘How am I going to stay super slim, almost skinny, and still be healthy?’ At the time I was in the United States, in New York, I bought some sublime nutrition books that I still have today. I thought that if modeling didn’t work out for me, I would become a nutritionist.”she explained.

The two drinks that Adriana Karembeu can no longer do without to stay in shape

Throughout her studies, Adriana Karembeu was able “to dissect the mechanisms of metabolism, what carbohydrates, lipids and proteins correspond to”. She has thus discovered effective and natural ways to maintain her figure without depriving herself. Among her favorite rituals, two drinks particularly stand out. « For a detox effect, I like ginger infusionsyet I didn’t like it before. I became a fan of ginger after my daughter was born. The recipe is simple, it’s water with ginger and lemon. I also like vegetable smoothies. »she admits.

crédit photo : DGP/ImageSPACE/Shutterstock Adriana Karembeu on the red carpet

Adriana Karembeu has at least banned fruit drinks. “Bite into a fruit instead. […] Look, orange juice is six oranges to make a single glass, it’s way too much. And the sugar in fruit is fructose and unlike glucose we cannot use it straight away. So where does the fructose in fruit go? In the liver. It’s the same effect as alcohol. »she warned.

What is Adriana Karembeu’s secret to staying in shape even after 50?

Adriana Karembeu’s secret to staying in shape after 50 does not only lie in her two favorite drinks. Indeed, over the years, the ex-acolyte of Michel Cymes relies on a specific sports routine to keep a radiant figure. “I completely transformed my body from A to Z in three months at the age of 50 thanks to bodybuilding.”she indicated.

crédit photo : David Fisher/Shutterstock Adriana Karembeu radiant at the Cannes Film Festival

As menopause approaches, the metabolism changes, and it is important to put all the chances on your side so as not to lose muscle mass. “You have to move and have an active life. You must practice daily physical activity. More than 30 minutes. […] After 50 and even a little before for us women it’s not the same. With hormones that change completely, you have to increase your muscle mass. But if you don’t stop running and doing cardio, you risk losing it., revealed Adriana Karembeu. Adding protein to your diet is also necessary.



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