The Nice Bar adheres to the International Charter of the Rights of Young People (…)

The CIDJA was signed on Wednesday in the council room of the Nice Bar Association by President Emmanuel Brancaleoni, Vice President Valérie Serra and the President of the National Federation of Young Lawyers’ Unions (FNUJA). ), Niels Bernardini, from the Paris bar, present in Nice to provide training on public procurement.

Were also present for this signing Romain Vallierpresident of the UJA of Nice, Julien Prandiformer vice-president of the UJA of Nice, Marie-Pierre Lazard, honorary member of the FNUJA, and Manon Beaury, young bar representative.

Me Brancaleoni said to himself ” very proud ” of this signature and warmly thanked the FNUJA and the UJA of Nice as well as ” those who worked towards this new membership », dont Magali Gilly, former president of the UJA of Nice and who was selected by an audience. It’s about ” of a FNUJA initiative, launched in 2021 “, presented at the end of May 2022 and whose objective is ” to promote the rights and values ​​of young lawyers internationally “, explained Niels Bernardini after the signing. “ The objective during the first years of this Charter is to have it signed by as many bars, institutions and associations of the profession as possible and then to be able to take it to the international level and make it a binding and legal value. », added the president of FNUJA.

Niels Bernardini, Marie-Pierre Lazard, Valérie Serra, Emmanuel Brancaleoni, Manon Beaury, Manon Beaury Romain Vallier and Julien Prandi. ©S.Guiné

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The charter contains a preamble, a preliminary article et 22 articles, divided into seven titles: mutual aid and solidarity; training; the exercise of the legal profession; common achievements; defense; regulation, control and governance; and final provisions. The role of the Lawyer is to ensure the defense of the legal interests of his client », It is written in its preamble. “ In this respect, it is an essential link in any democratic society, within which public and individual freedoms must be guaranteed. The duties that Lawyers impose on themselves, and which constitute their professional ethics, can only be conceived if Lawyers themselves benefit from rights and freedoms. This is why it is up to every State to ensure their protection. Particular attention must be paid to Young Lawyers, whose precariousness inherent in the beginning of the practice exposes them more to attacks on the aforementioned rights and freedoms.” Article 1 states that “each signatory encourages exchanges between Young Lawyers as well as exchanges between Young Lawyers and their representative bodies, with the aim of helping any Young Lawyer who is disturbed in the exercise of his profession, regardless of the place of his professional establishment. ».

The Nice bar has notably joined the bars of Lille, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Strasbourg, Saint-Malo Dinan, Avignon, Versailles, Saint-Denis de La Réunion, Saint-Pierre de La Réunion, Montpellier and Grasse on the list.

Cover photo: Maître Niels Bernardini, lawyer at the Paris Bar and president of the FNUJA, Maître Emmanuel Brancaleoni, President of the Nice Bar and Maître Valérie Serra, vice-President of the Nice Bar ©S.Guiné



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