A “major development plan” for Old Nice at work with the end of work on this well-known street

A “major development plan” for Old Nice at work with the end of work on this well-known street
A “major development plan” for Old Nice at work with the end of work on this well-known street

Final blows of the pickax. The redevelopment work on Rue Rossetti is about to be completed. Started in mid-January, they were to last six months. The route has been modified: the sidewalks, made of basalt stone, have been widened to facilitate pedestrian circulation and two squares have been created. The space appears more airy, calmer.

Above, the second phase of work will begin in the second half of 2024 with the renovation of the Abbé-Isnardi square. The beginning of a “major development plan for Old Nice for the next five to six years”, said Christian Estrosi during the inauguration of the Hôtel du Couvent on June 20. Rue Rossetti was “the starting centerpiece” of “next redevelopment program for a large old district in Old Nice”the mayor said.

AXELLE TRUQUET / Nice Morning.

On the side of local residents, opinions are relatively uniform: in short, the work is a hassle but the result is pleasant. Philippe, 67, a liberal nurse, makes his rounds in Old Nice every day. “I can’t wait for it to end because it’s starting to drag on. Honestly, it’s nicer now than it was before. Especially since there’s also the hotel work going on.”in the former Visitation convent.

Moreover, this subject makes Thierry, 53, who lives a few cables away, a little cringe: “Oh well, a sumptuous entrance was needed for a private hotelhe says caustically. Yes, it’s better like that, it’s more aesthetic, I admit it, but there is constant work going on in Nice. It encroaches on the comfort of life.”

AXELLE TRUQUET / Nice Morning.

“Clean and modern”

Mounir, 58 years old, returns from a trip. It finds: “Yes, it has progressed well. Tourists like it: I see groups passing by with guides who tell them lots of anecdotes. They like it!” His friend Jamal, also 58 years old, agrees: “Old Nice is known throughout the world, it needs to be maintained. It looks clean and modern, I like what the mayor of Nice is doing.”

AXELLE TRUQUET / Nice Morning.

A little further on, a trader who wishes to remain anonymous is less enthusiastic: “Honestly, yes, I like what has been done, it’s very good. But it doesn’t solve the problem of young people hanging around and dealing drugs or the problem of Airbnbs doing whatever they want. Besides, I lived there for forty years but I just moved, I couldn’t take it anymore.”

AXELLE TRUQUET / Nice Morning.

Mathilde, 22, works in the Bella Ciao gallery and sees life through rose-tinted glasses: “I find it positive to do work to beautify it. It will make you want to go higher from Place Rossetti. It’s very good for the shops which are located higher up.” Patrick, 70 years old, the painter from the PH5 workshop is also satisfied. He concludes, philosopher, “It’s always a plus to maintain the city, it’s nice for everyone.”



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