From June 15 to November 18, 2024, the Fernand Léger National Museum in Biot will amaze you!

From June 15 to November 18, 2024, the Fernand Léger National Museum in Biot will amaze you!
From June 15 to November 18, 2024, the Fernand Léger National Museum in Biot will amaze you!

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary artistic journey to Fernand Léger National Museum of Biot ! “Light the new realisms” is an exceptional exhibition, organized in collaboration with the MAMAC in Nice. It brings together works by two great names in modern art: Fernand Légerthe pioneer of the 20th century avant-garde, and the New Realistsrevolutionary artists of the 60s. We will notably find the late Well, disappeared recently.

A fascinating dialogue

Imagine a striking face-to-face between the joyful and colorful canvases of Léger and the inventive creations of the New Realists, such as Arman, Yves Klein, César and many others. Their works, full of freedom and daring, confront and complement each other, creating a unique and exciting artistic dialogue.

The transfigured everyday object

Niki de Saint-Phalle, Martial Raysse, these artists transform mundane everyday objects into true works of art. They divert, assemble and reinvent, giving new life to ordinary materials. Their poetic gaze reveals the unsuspected beauty of our world.

110 works

The exhibition explores several themes captivating through 110 works : the misappropriation of objects, the representation of the body and leisure, the place of art in public space. A fun and creative stroll through the artistic movements of the 20th century!

An exhibition not to be missed !

“Light and the New Realisms” is a must-see exhibition for all lovers of modern and contemporary art. And for the curious!



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