Clap for the 27th “Détours en Cinécourt” festival from June 4 to 8

Clap for the 27th “Détours en Cinécourt” festival from June 4 to 8
Clap for the 27th “Détours en Cinécourt” festival from June 4 to 8

“Detours en Cinécourt” what is it?

The festival is above all a meeting place around short films, promoting exchanges and dialogue between professionals and the public. Everything is designed to encourage these interactions. A round table, organized on Saturday afternoon, also allows experts and amateurs to discuss the short film, offering an enriching experience and giving a voice to all the speakers.

What can the “Détours en Cinécourt” festival bring to short films?

The festival offers a diversity of films, including some that have never been screened in France, as well as recent films nominated for the César and Oscars. The festival also allows films to be viewed in optimal conditions, in a cinema rather than in front of the television, thus giving the short film a certain nobility. We also see that the public is becoming more and more knowledgeable, both about the themes and the quality of the films and about the directors, whose work they follow with interest.

Where is short film cinema?

Short film cinema is doing well, benefiting from increased professionalization which results in better quality films. Short films are also getting longer, going from 10 minutes a few years ago to around 20 minutes today. However, their visibility remains limited, mainly confined to specialized festivals or to a few sessions at more general festivals. The interest in short films lies in their presentation in programs bringing together several films (often between 3 and 5), unlike streaming platforms which generally offer single films. This is why festivals play a crucial role for these works.



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