Isabelle Loup-Milleret distinguished for her sculpture Idem

Isabelle Loup-Milleret distinguished for her sculpture Idem
Isabelle Loup-Milleret distinguished for her sculpture Idem

Isabelle Loup-Milleret won the Grand Prix from the Department of on October 4, during the exhibition at the Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier collegiate church, in Orléans.

An additional distinction for the sculptor based in Loye-sur-Arnon, already winner of numerous national and international competitions

. His piece, visible until Sunday October 20 at 117 e Salon of Orléans artists, named Idem

in hard marble from Belgium, expresses “a relational impulse, source of all life”.

After Kluisbergen, in Belgium, and , Isabelle Loup-Milleret is therefore exhibiting in the Loiret, a department which had commissioned her, last year, for a monumental piece currently installed in the large hall of the new Maison des archives, and which ordered again.

“Relational momentum”

In her workshop in Grand-Planche, she works stone using a grinder, compressor and diamond sponge. “My journey questions movement, impulse, the overflows of the intimate,” she declares. I like flights and deep wrinkles; sculpting stone means choosing consistency. »

His talent was rewarded, among others, by the Taylor Prize in 2015 at the Grand Palais, then in 2017 and 2020 as part of the Parisian ART Capital show and in 2022 at the ephemeral Grand Palais on the Champ-de-Mars.



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