Sherbrooke: La Bolduc restaurant serves its last meals

Sherbrooke: La Bolduc restaurant serves its last meals
Sherbrooke: La Bolduc restaurant serves its last meals

The owner of the family restaurant La Bolduc, located in the west of Sherbrooke, has reluctantly decided to close its doors at the end of the week.

The atmosphere is warm, the food comforting. Since the early 2000s, La Bolduc restaurant has been serving breakfasts and dinners in the Saint-Élie sector of Sherbrooke.

At the end of the week, the local business will close permanently. The building is abandoned and the lease has not been renewed.

“I would have liked to continue,” says owner Angèle Bolduc. “I still have the strength, the passion and above all, I love my customers. I’m going to miss them.”

Bolduc, that’s her. At 81, Mrs. Bolduc works in the kitchen six days a week.

“She is such a kind and hard-working lady! We will miss her,” said one customer, with tears in her eyes.

It is a hard blow for the customers and for the Bolduc family who will have to mourn the loss of this family restaurant. “I am 20 years old and I have been coming here since I was little,” says Coralie, Angèle’s granddaughter.

Mrs. Bolduc has worked in the restaurant business all her life and her daughters now have their own restaurant. Now it’s their turn to make room in the kitchen for their mother.

“I’m going to work one day a week, on Wednesdays. I don’t like the word retirement, early retirement suits me!” she emphasizes.



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