An endemo-epidemic presence of chikungunya in Madagascar –

An endemo-epidemic presence of chikungunya in Madagascar –
An endemo-epidemic presence of chikungunya in Madagascar –

Chikungunya, transmitted by mosquitoes, persists as a public health challenge. Its endemo-epidemic dynamic leads to regular outbreaks, requiring vigilance and health actions to protect populations.

The chikungunya resurfaces in , according to the latest information from the Indian Ocean. This resumption of the epidemic has led the authorities to activate level 3 of the arbovirus management plan, reports Libération. Since August 23, 2024, 192 cases have been reported. Transmitted by tiger mosquitoes, the virus spreads mainly during hot and humid seasons, thus favoring the proliferation of vectors.

Since 2006, the chikungunya is qualified as endemo-epidemic, implying a continuous presence on the island and periodic epidemic outbreaks. HAS Madagascarthe situation is similar, with outbreaks linked to environmental conditions favoring transmission, as the newspaper notes Midi-Madagascar.

Symptoms of the disease include high fever, often accompanied by chills, and severe muscle pain that mainly affects the back, arms and legs. Joint pain, particularly marked in the wrists, ankles and knees, can persist for several weeks, or even months in certain chronic cases. Rashes, headaches, significant fatigue and sometimes nausea or vomiting are also reported.


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