On the afternoon of Thursday, January 16, 2025, a multi-sectoral meeting chaired by the Minister of Health, Anil Bachoo, brought together various stakeholders to strengthen efforts to combat the proliferation of mosquitoes. Participants included representatives from the Ministries of Health, Environment and Agriculture, as well as municipalities, district councils, beach authorities and environmental organisations.
Faced with 3,000 cases of dengue fever and nine deaths recorded last year, the minister stressed the urgency of concerted mobilization. Each entity has been assigned specific responsibilities to improve the coordination of actions.
Anil Bachoo also emphasized the role of citizens in this fight, calling on them to eliminate stagnant water and ensure the cleanliness of their environment. This initiative aims to anticipate the health risks linked to future downpours, while being part of a global prevention effort to protect the population against diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.