Barely 1 year after its release, the Samsung Galaxy S24 is lowering its price at AliExpress. The high-end smartphone made a strong impression upon its release with its AI-based features and state-of-the-art processor. It benefits from the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip with almost unparalleled performance. This photophone is also talked about for its photography-oriented features. With a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5, it continues sales at the online merchant which is currently offering a 4% discount. The model concerned is offered to you in an Amber Yellow case which houses 256 GB of ROM. It is also delivered to you free of charge with free returns within 15 days. AliExpress displays the Samsung Galaxy S24 smartphone at 595.35 euros instead of 625 euros.
Thanks to its latest generation chip, the Samsung Galaxy S24 smartphone reaches new heights of power. It is complemented by 8 GB of RAM to support recent games in as realistic graphics quality as possible. Videos and series benefit from FHD+ resolution on a 6.2-inch AMOLED 2X screen. This model stands out, however, for the integration of artificial intelligence which transforms the entire smartphone experience. It assists you on a daily basis whether for instant search, real-time translation of conversations or taking photos. With its 3 rear lenses of 50, 10 and 12 MP, the Samsung Galaxy S24 highlights each of your subjects. It has a 4,000 mAh battery for a variable autonomy of 28 hours.
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