Creating conditions favorable to the health and quality of life of aging people: an integrative model

Creating conditions favorable to the health and quality of life of aging people: an integrative model
Creating conditions favorable to the health and quality of life of aging people: an integrative model

The aim of this report is to present the update of the conceptual model of healthy aging initially published in a document entitled “Perspectives for healthy aging: proposal of a conceptual model” (Cardinal et al., 2008).

  • The results obtained following the analysis of data collected in scientific literature and from the groups consulted suggest certain avenues for improvement without significantly calling into question the foundations on which the initial model published in 2008 was based.
  • The proposed avenues for improvement were grouped according to five categories resulting from the analysis process: 1) the name of the model; 2) the approach underlying the model; 3) values; 4) areas of intervention and; 5) graphic representation.
  • Entitled “Creating conditions favorable to the health and quality of life of aging people: an integrative model”, the updated model is part of the perspective of supporting the response to the needs of aging people and of acting for the aging population in all its diversity.
  • Like its previous version, this model proposes ways to act simultaneously at the level of individuals, living environments, communities and environments. It brings together in a coherent whole concepts, strategies and measures relevant to improving the health and quality of life of aging individuals and the population.


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