Essential oils, traps, mosquito control… what method to fight against mosquitoes this summer

Essential oils, traps, mosquito control… what method to fight against mosquitoes this summer
Essential oils, traps, mosquito control… what method to fight against mosquitoes this summer

These are the pet peeves of our summers. The mosquitoes are indeed back, and they didn’t wait until June 21 to let them know. Nearly thirty species exist on the Mediterranean coast but less than ten are harmful, the best known of which is the tiger mosquito. These cold-blooded insects appear at the start of extreme heat, generally between March and September. They are found near bodies of water because the larvae live and develop only in water.

Are you tired of suffering every summer and looking for the best way to get rid of it? La Provence has drawn up an inventory of the solutions available to you.

First step: limit their proliferation

We must first treat the problem at the root by preventing the birth of mosquitoes and their proliferation. There are simple steps to do this. “We must inspect the smallest corners of water, which are conducive to the development of mosquitoes, and empty them as quickly as possible”advises Jean-Michel Bérenger, entomologist at IHU Méditerranée infection.

If you often fall prey to these insects, plan ahead for years to come and contact professionals who organize mosquito control. “It is before summer that we must act, not during an aperitif in the evening when we realize that there are mosquitoes. By then, it will be too late!”says the founder of Elite 4D, a pest control and rodent control company in Vitrolles. Mosquito control has a price, between 100 and 500 euros depending on the size of your property and the methods used, which differ depending on the type of mosquito.

And if you still have them, now is the time to protect yourself against their bites, which carry diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, zika and West Nile virus. The entomologist advises protecting yourself with long clothing or equipping your accommodation with mosquito nets. But it’s not easy when temperatures exceed 30°C or you want to enjoy the outdoors.

So to make your summers easier, there is a range of products or strategies. But which ones are really effective?

There are the chemicals we know, like sprays, bracelets, electric diffusers, spirals and insecticides. These objects are effective due to the presence of repellent, but they are harmful to the environment and to health. If consumers misuse them, they can cause skin rashes, poisoning or even burns. So be careful and do not neglect the instructions for use.

Natural techniques: myth or reality?

In a greener approach, there are natural alternatives such as essential oils, plants or even traps, generally sold as effective products. But is this really the case?

“Essential oils are useful. However, you should remember to renew them regularly. Be careful of lemongrass which turns out to be ineffective”says the director of the insect diagnostic laboratory. “We did a test with a lemongrass patch which was very well watered and therefore very humid, after a few hours it was filled with mosquitoes. Then in a Mediterranean garden, with lavender, thyme, rosemary which are plants which require little water and which have almost non-existent foliage. Conversely, this type of garden was more hostile to mosquitoes..

Forget grandmother’s tips like coffee grounds, cloves in lemon… no scientific studies prove their effectiveness. “I’d be surprised if it would stop mosquitoes from biting us.”declares Jean-Michel Bérenger.

Other popular products for mosquito control:

  • Light traps: they are used at night and are useful to protect against culex. But it is already too late for the tiger mosquito which is an insect active during the day. These traps are not selective and capture all insects that approach them.
  • Low frequency waves: this technique which is done with applications on the phone has never been scientifically proven
  • Anti-mosquito terminals: these traps emit CO2, a molecule emitted by humans and which attracts mosquitoes.

This last solution is more expensive, Qista, a company based in Senas offers a first model starting at 780 euros. “CO2 traps will not be able to eliminate them entirely. There will always be enough left to cause a nuisance. In addition, mosquitoes always prefer a host to a trap (the original to the copy)”demonstrates the Interdepartmental Agreement for mosquito control of the Mediterranean coast in a report published in 2021.

Obviously there is no 100% effective way to get rid of them but by combining these tips, you will limit their proliferation and the risk of bites.



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