But why don’t all people with allergies opt for desensitization?

But why don’t all people with allergies opt for desensitization?
But why don’t all people with allergies opt for desensitization?

atchoum – On the occasion of World Allergy Week, we were interested in desensitization, also called allergen immunotherapy, a treatment that seems restrictive. But is it really that restrictive?

Itchy eyes, a runny nose, even a tight throat… Allergy people are used to these unpleasant sensations. To stop it, they can take antihistamines. But when these prove insufficient and the symptoms too disabling (such as repeated asthma attacks), there is another solution: desensitization, also called allergen immunotherapy.

On the occasion of World Allergy Week, we were interested in this last resort treatment reserved for certain allergies, in particular those to pollen, grasses or dust mites (but not to food). Desensitization consists of receiving, over three to four years, allergen extracts in progressive doses so as to accustom your immune system. These can be given in the form of subcutaneous injections carried out by a professional, a tablet to be taken daily or a drop of liquid solution to melt under the tongue for two minutes, also daily. All from a bottle that must remain cool. A treatment that may seem like a hassle to some allergic people. But is it so (…) Read more on 20minutes

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