The tiger mosquito is back: how to get rid of it

The return of heat also marks that of mosquitoes, and in particular the tiger mosquito. To fight against this daytime aggressor, there is only one word of advice: chase away all the small containers of water in which the larva of the creature develops, whether on the balcony, the terrace or in the garden.

Pots, saucers, watering cans, children’s toys, wheelbarrows, parasol bases, tarpaulins… The slightest amount of water is enough for the female to lay her eggs. It is therefore essential to empty them very regularly, place them under cover or position them so that they cannot store water (watering cans upside down, for example). For potted plants, you can continue to water them as long as you put sand in the cup.

Choose your “ mosquito day »

Specialists advise choosing a « mosquito day » during the week to empty and put away any potential « larval breeding site » (bridge site). « The fight against larval breeding sites is the fundamental basisinsists Guillaume Lacour, medical entomologist and scientific manager at Altopictus, a company specializing in the fight against the tiger mosquito. The other actions will only complement it. »

Important information to know: the tiger mosquito has an action radius limited to 150 m, or not much more. In other words, when you are stung, there is a high probability that the perpetrator of this attack comes from your home, or from a very close neighbor.

Beware of water collectors

Some places are particularly conducive to the development of the tiger mosquito. This is the case for water collectors. The simplest and most effective is to cut the gutter a few centimeters above the entrance to the recuperator, then equip the opening of the latter with a waterproof mosquito net which you will glue permanently. Same thing for waterholes.

For collectors in the form of a container, one technique consists of stretching a mosquito net tightly over the container, for example using a model of mosquito net sold commercially with cord. The ideal is to then replace this cord with a plumb line, which is much more effective in use for correctly repositioning the mosquito net.

Finally, beware of pedestal terraces placed on concrete, without drainage or with faulty drainage. This is one of the headaches in mosquito control. If no disposal solution is possible, a liquid product based on polydimethylsiloxane can be used (PDMS), a kind of silicone. A waterproof film will spread over the entire surface of the water and suffocate the larvae. But be careful, this is a petroleum-based product and cannot be used in places where water returns to nature.

To find out everything about techniques to fight mosquitoes, refer to our complete guide on the subject !



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