Pharmacies can now dispense antibiotics without a prescription

Pharmacies can now dispense antibiotics without a prescription
Pharmacies can now dispense antibiotics without a prescription

It is now possible to obtain an antibiotic in pharmacies without a prescription. Since Tuesday June 18, 2024, pharmacies can provide you with these medications without going through the GP box. But for certain pathologies only and under conditions. Explanations.

Why this provision?

Provided for as part of the law on financing Social Security 2024, adopted at the end of 2023 by Parliament, this provision must:

  • unclog doctors’ offices
  • fight against medical deserts
  • accelerate patient care
  • allow better use of medications (because, let us remember here, antibiotics are not automatic).

The measure is welcomed by the National Union of Pharmacies of France, but criticized by general practitioners who denounce a “cover-up” measure.

For what ailments?

This exemption concerns bacterial tonsillitis (or group A strep throat) and cystitis (in other words, urinary infections) without fever only.

For who ?

For bacterial tonsillitis, it will be possible to obtain antibiotics directly from pharmacies from the age of 10. For cystitis without fever, women aged 16 to 65 are affected.

How ?

There are obviously rules. Pharmacists will need to be trained. And above all, they must carry out a test rapid diagnostic guidance to confirm angina or cystitis. Only bacterial tonsillitis requires antibiotics. For viral tonsillitis, no antibiotics.

Patients will first be asked a series of questions, secluded for privacy. Then they will take said test (in a dedicated room, away from other customers of the pharmacy). An oropharyngeal test (with a long cotton swab at the back of the throat) for angina, a urine test (with strips) for cystitis.

And in the event of a positive result, they will leave with the appropriate box of antibiotics (amoxicillin for bacterial tonsillitis, fosfomocyne for cystitis).

On the other hand, if the pharmacist considers that the symptoms indicate a more complex pathology, he will redirect the patient to his attending physician.

What cost?

The pharmacist will receive €10 for each test (€15 if it turns out to be positive). But it will be fully covered by Health Insurance.

If the measure is effective now, short training will be necessary for pharmacists. To know in particular how to carry out the tests correctly. Philippe Besset, the president of the Federation of Pharmacists of France, explains to our colleagues in Le Monde that the first deliveries should be made “ within 15 days “.

CONFERENCE : Sleep, your health asset. Register for free for the conference organized by Paris Normandie which will take place on Thursday June 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Rouen.



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