Gardening makes you sleep well | Brain & Psycho

Gardening makes you sleep well | Brain & Psycho
Gardening makes you sleep well | Brain & Psycho

Gardening would be the ideal activity when you have sleep problems, reveals a study from the University of Shanghai. In this study, researchers collected data on the sleep of 62,000 adults as well as their daily lives. They classified them into three groups: those who garden often, those who practice other physical activities such as sports, and those who neither play sports nor garden. By processing this data using statistical tools, they found that gardening reduced by 43% the probability of having broken, poor quality, unrefreshing sleep, or of suffering from insomnia or fatigue. sleep apnea. And this effect was more pronounced than for physical activity, although it is recommended to benefit from restful sleep.

Researchers now want to understand why gardening brings such benefits. They already note that it associates sustained and regular physical exercise with focusing attention and planning actions, as well as the feeling of “achieving something”. However, combining physical effort and mental activity brings multiple benefits to the brain, in particular to relieve stress and avoid ruminations. In addition, this leisure activity can be practiced at home, at any age, and in a sustainable manner because it carries very little risk of injury or injury, unlike many sports.

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