Do fat burning pills really work?

Who says the return of good weather, says the return of the deadly injunctions to quickly lose a few kilos and centimeters to have a “beach body”. And to achieve this goal as quickly as possible, the temptation of fat burning or appetite suppressant pills is often irresistible. But how do they work? And above all, do they really work?

If, in the post-body positive era, they sometimes have other less divisive names, between “intestinal reset”, “anti-bloating supplement” or other variations around the word “draining”, it is clear that year year after year, “fat-burning” and “appetite suppressant” pills are experiencing a resurgence in popularity as summer approaches. This is because, more than any other season, this one is heavy with the weight of injunctions to slim down, if possible, very quickly, to feel “good in your body” in a swimsuit. And to achieve this, the promise of a seemingly magical pill is most often irresistible.

But how do these fat burning and appetite suppressant supplements work? And above all: do they really work, or is it a placebo effect that pushes people who take them to eat better at the same time, and therefore, to lose weight?

Regulate and refine

One thing is certain: the market weighs. According to predictions from research firm Mordor Intelligence, in the 5 years to 2029, globally, the weight management products segment is expected to record a growth rate of 8.6%. When we know that in France alone, the market for weight loss products represents on average 2.5 billion euros per year, we understand that more and more players are deciding to enter the sector.

In Belgium, Celestetic is a pioneer. The kingdom’s first medi-aesthetics laboratory, it offers a varied range of cosmeceuticals, including a series of products designed specifically for people who want to refine their silhouette. Whether with the help of a firming cream, an anti-orange peel ointment, or fat-burning and appetite suppressant pills, respectively called Weight Control and Appetite Control and offered at a price of 38 euros the one-month treatment. The promise if we use both together? “Sustainable weight loss” but also “a refined silhouette by acting on fat reduction, improving metabolism and regulating appetite”. So much for the theory. But in practice, how does it work?

“Fat burner” sounds almost too good to be true, right?

And yet, we are assured from Genval, where Celestetic has its HQ, “as the name indicates, these are natural fat burners which act in this way thanks to the different activating active ingredients metabolism, draining, antioxidants and detoxifiers which will work in synergy”. The active ingredients in question? “We can find green tea extract which stimulates the metabolism and directly helps burn fat, guarana seed extract very rich in caffeine which will allow better blood circulation, chicory root which supports the detoxification systems of the body and directly contributes to renal elimination functions or even the powder and grape marc which will eliminate toxins and prevent the storage of fats. Together, they therefore actively contribute to a more slender and toned silhouette.”

As for “appetite suppressants”, the active ingredients are the same, but ingredients are added “which will directly play a role on the feeling of satiety and also inhibit the flavor of sugar. We can therefore find carob powder or even bladderwrack powder, which thanks to its structure rich in mucilage, extracted from the thalli of bladderwrack, will increase in volume quickly in the stomach when added to it. ‘water “.

Disputed effects

Be careful, however, no magic: “although they are very effective, they are unfortunately not miracle products. A good diet and lifestyle will promote maximum results,” we point out again from the medi-aesthetic laboratory.

Okay, but what do the doctors say about it? According to John Batsis, general practitioner and researcher at the prestigious University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, in the United States, the promises of those in the weight industry should be taken with a pinch of salt. At the head of a systemic study published in 2021 and based on the analysis of data shared by the manufacturers of supplements supposed to promote weight loss, the latter would not have proven clinical effectiveness.

Published in 2021 in the scientific journal Obesity, their research, based on clinical studies carried out by the supplement manufacturers themselves, reveals that “in the rare cases where people who took them (supplements, editor’s note) had lost weight, they had not lost enough pounds to have a positive impact on their health.” And members of the Obesity Society’s Clinical Committee, of which John Batsis is a member, decry the fact that annual sales of weight loss supplements amount to $30 billion worldwide, despite “insufficient evidence” of their effectiveness.

“Fat burner” and “appetite suppressant”, yes, but not “magic”

But what if the latter was more due to the change in mentality that these pills are likely to induce in the people who take them? This is because when you have spent 30, 50 or even 100 euros in supplements, immediately the prospect of deviating from the more ascetic lifestyle that you have chosen to follow gives the impression of throwing your money out the window – and is therefore less tempting. According to dietitian Rachael Ajmerra, “When combined with other lifestyle changes and taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional, these medications can be an effective way to reduce your weight.”

“Food supplements are far from being miracle cures. If you want to lose weight quickly, you must accompany the gain with a healthy lifestyle which consists of eating healthy and balanced foods (vegetables, fruits, good fats, lean meats, water, herbal teas, etc.) and regularly practicing physical activity. » says the Lyon laboratory Eric Favre, a nutrition specialist who also produces a series of supplements promising to help lose weight. The fact remains that in their book dedicated to the subject, All about food supplementsProfessor Luc Cynober, pharmacist and head of department at the Cochin hospital in Paris and Dr Jacques Fricker, nutritionist doctor, affirm: “no food supplement has until now proven its weight-loss power significant “.

In other words, if you choose to combine your efforts with taking one or another “fat-burning” or “appetite suppressant” pill, you can hope to obtain some effects, but no miracles. And if what motivates your decision to gobble it up is obtaining the sacred “bikini body”, as a reminder, as its name suggests, it is never anything other than a body covered in a bikini, whatever its size.



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