Quimperlé. Workshops on cardiovascular diseases in women

Quimperlé. Workshops on cardiovascular diseases in women
Quimperlé. Workshops on cardiovascular diseases in women

At the origin of the death of women, well before breast cancer, we find strokes as the first cause and secondly myocardial infarction.

Women are more exposed to risk factors than men, because they are more vulnerable at the time of contraception, during pregnancy and at menopause.

In addition, the classic symptoms generally known (like chest pain spreading into the arms, for example) do not always appear in women. They should be alerted to other atypical and often ignored symptoms (heartburn, cold sweats, etc.).

Partnering with the first edition, in Quimperlé, of “Cœur de femmes”, the Relais Petite Enfance also wishes to raise awareness among female childminders who represent 90% of the profession.

It is possible to act on certain factors in order to reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases: diet, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol and even stress play a major role in these diseases.

To see things more clearly and inform women of all ages, a cycle of 5 inseparable workshops is being implemented.

On Tuesday, November 12, “cardiovascular risks in women”, workshop led by Élodie Brenne, prevention officer at the Mutualité française Bretagne.

Then will follow three workshops led by professionals from the CPTS of Quimperlé: Tuesday, November 19, “physical activity: what are we talking about? » ; Tuesday, December 10, “a healthier and more sustainable diet every day”; Tuesday, December 17, “Physical activity, an asset for the heart”.

All of these workshops are free. They will take place from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., room 4 of the Maison des associations, rue du Coat-Kaër in Quimperlé. Maximum twelve people per workshop. Only upon registration with Élodie Brenne, on 06 73 81 14 12 or by email at [email protected]



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