19 | Wearing a mask required in certain sectors of hospital centers

19 | Wearing a mask required in certain sectors of hospital centers
19 | Wearing a mask required in certain sectors of hospital centers
Illustration image by Depositphotos

The CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent announces that the procedural mask is once again required in certain sectors of the region’s hospital centers, for users, visitors, caregivers, workers and doctors during care and services within two meters.

Several sectors are specifically targeted by this measure: emergencies (including waiting rooms), intensive care, short-term hospitalization units, rehabilitation units, psychiatric units, hemodialysis, oncology and neonatology. Depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, other sectors of our establishments could be added to this list.

This measure is necessary due to an increase in COVID-19 cases in healthcare settings, the great vulnerability of users found in our hospitals and the start of the respiratory infection season.

Finally, the CISSS reminds that daily monitoring of respiratory signs and symptoms, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and physical distancing remain recognized practices to be adopted at all times in all care facilities and environments. Everyone’s collaboration is desired since these practices aim to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities.



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