These 3 well-known cereal brands are the worst for your health at breakfast according to this nutritionist – Tuxboard

Do you think breakfast cereals are a good idea? What if you were wrong? Discover this nutritionist’s answer…

Breakfast is one of the essential meals of the day. It must therefore be composed carefully. And above all, avoid inviting these three brands of cereals that are harmful to your health to the table.

An essential meal of the day full of traps

Prepared meals, preserved foods, frozen foods… What we eat is not always very healthy. However, nutrition professionals are categorical. Dishes too rich in fat, sugar or salt are real dangers for the body.

And bad choices can happen as soon as you get out of bed! Indeed, breakfast is full of pitfalls to avoid. Bread, dairy products, cereals… Are all these products that appear on the table in the morning really that healthy?

In reality, many of us make big mistakes in this area. Starting with the choice of bread that we consume without paying too much attention to it. Most often, it is the essential baguette that plays the stars of the morning.

However, this is not really a reference in terms of nutrition. Generally low in fiber, the white baguette is also rich in gluten. A bad point therefore for intolerant people and people with celiac disease.

It should therefore be avoided if you experience this type of problem. Instead, you can replace it with wholemeal or sourdough bread, which is much more digestible. However, bread does not have a monopoly on French breakfast preferences.

Rusks are also popular. But here again, the pitfalls must be avoided. Indeed, don’t be fooled by their featherweight and light appearance. Because very often, they contain fats that are difficult to suspect.

In general, rusk is richer in fat than bread. Around 6 g per 100 g for it, compared to 1 to 2 g for bread.

@raphaelgruman #aliment #perdredufat #perdredupoids #diet #nutrition #petitdej #cereals ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

These cereal brands to avoid

If we forget the pastries for breakfast, what good thing is left to eat for this first meal of the day? Cereals of course! But be careful, here again, you must make your choice with discernment.

Because not all brands are equal from a nutritional point of view. On his TikTok page, nutritionist Raphaël Gruman has identified three of them to avoid at all costs.

First of all, the latter incriminates the Kellogg’s Treasures. “This is the maximum that we can do in terms of caloric intake”, underlines the nutritionist. He reminds us that these cereals, adored by the youngest, are “Stuffed with chocolate, armored with sugar, but also with fat”.

Still at Kellogg’s, Raphaël Gruman also points the finger the famous Honey Pops. “So, we have to be careful because they have moved to Nutri-score B. So, we say to ourselves ‘it’s not bad’. Except there’s actually just a little more fiber in these cereals. But they still remain just as high in calories,” warns this nutrition professional.

This preferred alternative

Finally, the nutritionist warns about the calories that also contain Frosties cereal. Again, not a good idea for a healthy breakfast. “In reality, they are at least as caloric as Chocolate Treasures”he says.

If you want to eat cereals, Raphaël Gruman recommends turning to mueslis (without sugar). You can consume them with cow’s or vegetable milk. But also why not with skyr or yogurt. It’s a healthy alternative, perfect for stocking up on energy early in the morning!



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