Measles cases detected in

Measles cases detected in
Measles cases detected in Millau

Five cases of measles have been reported in recent days between the early childhood center and the Calandreta school.

Autumn has arrived and the first viruses have appeared. In recent days, several general practitioners in Millau have been concerned about observing five cases of measles between the early childhood center and the Calandreta school. “My wife is the nursery doctor, we worked in collaboration with other general practitionersunderlines Doctor Emmanuel Bosc, who wanted to communicate to raise awareness among parents and invite them to contact their treating physicians. I don’t remember such an epidemic.”

On Saturday, September 21, around thirty people were vaccinated by Millau general practitioners as part of an emergency campaign organized for “nip it in the bud” At the start of the epidemic, children attending school and daycare are given priority.

Because if “The ancients compared measles to chickenpox”the disease can turn into an infection of the lungs or meninges in adults; children are at risk of convulsions with pulmonary involvement; and measles is mainly a cause of miscarriages or premature births in pregnant women. “We still have a child under one year old on oxygen, he will get through it but it can be worrying”illustrates Doctor Emmanuel Bosc.

A lack of vaccination

Although a vaccine has been available against measles for over 40 years and has been recommended for several years, it is mandatory for children born after the 1er January 2018. “There is clearly a desire on the part of parents not to have their children vaccinated; the obligation to do so is in any case not respected”observes the general practitioner.

In connection with the Regional Health Agency (ARS), Millau general practitioners received a response this Monday midday, thanking them for having carried out this emergency vaccination campaign.



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