– “A yellow rose for Alzheimer’s”: mobilization on September 28

– “A yellow rose for Alzheimer’s”: mobilization on September 28
SENS – “A yellow rose for Alzheimer’s”: mobilization on September 28

On September 28, 2024, the national operation “A Yellow Rose for Alzheimer’s” mobilizes in . Volunteers will meet from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the shopping malls of Carrefour Voulx, Leclerc and at the covered market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to sell yellow roses. The goal is to raise funds to support research against Alzheimer’s disease and provide assistance to patients and their loved ones.

Created in 1995, Lions Alzheimer is dedicated to supporting Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones, with a clear objective: to promote the maintenance at home of people affected by the disease. Through concrete actions and solid partnerships, the association works to improve the daily lives of patients and lighten the burden on family caregivers.

An essential mission: home care

For nearly 30 years, Lions Alzheimer has been deploying resources to support both patients and their families. The association provides financial, psychological and educational support to caregivers, whether family or friends. By promoting home care, Lions Alzheimer strives to guarantee a living environment adapted to patients, while relieving those around them, who are often faced with heavy responsibilities.

National and local action

Lions Alzheimer is a member of the National Alzheimer Collective and a partner of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease (Pitié-Salpêtrière, ). The association has thus participated in the creation of 200 Day Care Centers (CAJ) in , making it possible to offer nearly 400,000 days of care to patients each year. These centers allow patients to benefit from care and stimulation while offering essential respite to their loved ones.

Strengthened objectives in the face of a worrying situation

Faced with the alarming progression of the disease, Lions Alzheimer has strengthened its commitment with several priority actions:

  • Develop and improve Day Care Centers to offer patients a stimulating and secure environment, while allowing those around them to take a break.
  • Promote staying at home with suitable arrangements, mobility aids and suitable stays for patients.
  • Supporting caregivers through training, friendly meetings such as “Alzheimer Lions Cafés”, and days in specialized centers.

Operation Yellow Rose against Alzheimer’s: a show of solidarity

The “A Yellow Rose for Alzheimer’s” initiative, launched in 2018 on the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day, allowed Lions Alzheimer to donate €50,000 for research in neuropsychology and neuroimaging. This support is part of the association’s desire to actively contribute to research while raising awareness among the general public of the importance of this cause.

Be with us on September 28, 2024

The association invites the public to participate in the solidarity sale that will take place on September 28, 2024 in several shopping malls, including those of Carrefour Voulx and Leclerc, as well as at the covered market. This mobilization aims to raise funds to support patients and their loved ones, while raising awareness of the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.




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