Contaminated cheese, sold in several stores, recalled throughout

Contaminated cheese, sold in several stores, recalled throughout
Contaminated cheese, sold in several stores, recalled throughout France


Briac Trebert

Published on

Sep 19, 2024 at 3:53 PM

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The alert was launched this Thursday, September 19, 2024 by the platform ReminderConso: of cheese is being recalled throughout . Marketed from August 26 to September 5, 2024, the “Farmhouse Tommette with Flowers” ​​has a use-by date of October 25, 2024.

Do you have this cheese in your refrigerator? Be careful, there is a risk of contamination at the Listeria.

Monitor for symptoms of listeriosis

The “Tommette fermière aux fleurs” subject to the national recall was sold by the Grand Frais, Fresh, BioFrais and Mon Marché brands. The packaging is a wooden effect board, wrapped in cling film.

The reason for this recall? The presence in this cheese of the infectious agent responsible for listeriosis, the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes.

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People who have consumed this cheese and who have feverisolated or accompanied by headacheand some body achesare invited to consult their doctor and report this consumption.

Severe forms with neurological complications and maternal or fetal damage in pregnant women can also sometimes occur. Pregnant women, as well as immunocompromised people and the elderly, should be particularly attentive to these symptoms.

Mozzarella and ham recalled in recent days

Listeriosis is a disease that can be serious and the incubation period can be up to eight weeks.

In France, the foods most frequently contaminated by Listeria are: dairy products (especially soft cheeses and raw milk cheeses), but also cold cuts (tongue, pâté, rillettes) and smoked fish. The bacteria can also be found in certain plants and in raw meat (or undercooked), complete thePasteur Institute.

Customers who have this “Farmhouse Tommette with Flowers” ​​at home can request a refund at the point of sale before October 2, 2024, the end date of the recall procedure.

In recent days, the RappelConso site has already alerted about massive product withdrawals due to Listeria: mozzarella (sold at Leclerc), or even Serrano ham (sold at Casino), for example.

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