SENEGAL- REFORESTATION-INITIATIVE / Dagana: 350 trees planted in several areas of the commune of Gnith – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL- REFORESTATION-INITIATIVE / Dagana: 350 trees planted in several areas of the commune of Gnith – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL- REFORESTATION-INITIATIVE / Dagana: 350 trees planted in several areas of the commune of Gnith – Senegalese press agency

Gnith (Dagana), September 29 (APS) – The Northern Network for the Protection of the Global Environment (RENPEM), planted, between Saturday and Sunday, 350 trees in Gnith, at Lake Guiers and in the biosphere reserve of delta of the Senegal River, three zones located in the commune of Gnith, in the department of Dagana, learned the APS from one of the members of the said network.

”The 350 trees were planted in collaboration with the Senegal River Delta Cross-Border Biosphere Reserve and the Economic Interest Group (EIG) called Women Action for the Climate,” said Adama Diaw.

This reforestation activity saw the participation of Colonel Aminata Sall, coordinator of the biosphere reserve, agents from the Directorate of Water and Forests, Hunting and Soil Conservation. Its theme was: ”Lake de Guiers in the RTBDS, in a context of climate change: What roles for the communities?”

In addition to reforestation, other activities were carried out such as the processing of market garden products, the valorization of natural resources, the protection of plants for nurseries, among others.

”The main objective of these activities, according to Adama Diaw, is to invite community stakeholders to get involved in the fight against global warming and the protection of the environment”.

The coordinator of the biosphere reserve committed to ”supporting women and young people in the popularization of such actions in the commune of Gnith”, while urging its inhabitants to become more involved” in the protection of the environment, which is an economic lever for rural populations”.





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