Aurore Bergé outraged by the Canard enchaîné

Aurore Bergé outraged by the Canard enchaîné

There is an air of confusion surrounding the appointment of the Prime Minister. If Michel Barnier were to consider the composition of a new government today, Aurore Bergé could have been in his place… or not.

Bergé or Berger?

The resigning Minister for Equality between Women and Men really thought her time had come, writes the Chained Duckalready multiplying appearances on television sets. At the end of August, her name began to circulate for Matignon. A short-lived joy, according to the satirical newspaper, since Aurore Bergé was in fact the victim of her homonymy with the former general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Berger.

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Indeed, the latter spoke on August 28 with the head of state, Emmanuel Macron, who was still looking for a new Prime Minister. Despite his refusal, the Laurent Berger option reappeared the following week, when Olivier Faure suggested it to the President.

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“I thought it was a parody account”

According to information from the Chained Duckthe secretary general of the Élysée, Alexis Kohler, then called Laurent Berger back to sound him out, before receiving another refusal.

When the article was published, the Macronist minister expressed her indignation on X against the French weekly, castigating the newspaper: ” I thought it was a parody account ” she wrote, ” not that of a newspaper which claims to check its sources! “. Aurore Bergé wanted to dot the i’s and cross the t’s: ” I have always said, publicly and clearly, that the PM could not come from the central bloc. Enough of the malice (and the grotesqueness of your false information!) ” she concluded.


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