Accused of not following L2 voting instructions, Joannin defends himself

Accused of not following L2 voting instructions, Joannin defends himself

After weeks of tension, calm has not really returned after the verdict of the election for the presidency of the Professional Football League (LFP) largely won by Vincent Labrune, Tuesday. The teeth of several Ligue 2 presidents gnashed at the sight of the results with 14 votes in favor of Labrune, two for Cyril Linette, his opponent, and one blank. Which does not really correspond to the trend identified after the vote of the Ligue 2 college for the composition of the new board of directors.

The promise of receiving 1.5 million euros per club pushed him not to vote against Labrune

The club presidents had given their preference to Linette (with nine votes, against seven for Labrune and two abstentions) and therefore hoped that their two representatives on the CA, Bernard Joannin (Amiens) and Pierre-Olivier Murat (Rodez) would give their votes to the former Canal+ journalist. Which they did not do since Linette received two small ballots in her name (hers and probably that of Jacky Bonnevay, president of Unecatef). Enough to arouse a wave of anger and incomprehension among the leaders of the second echelon.

In an interview with L’Equipe, Joannin claims to have voted blank. He explains that he did not follow the wishes of his peers after being seduced by Labrune’s promises.

“I’ll tell you what happened and why I abstained,” he says. “Because the college vote was tight, without a clear majority. We also knew that Vincent Labrune would be re-elected, with or without my vote. I made a commitment to the L2 presidents to recover, within two or three months, a significant sum, I hope 1.5 million euros per club, after the LFP has reduced its operating costs. I didn’t see myself being in opposition to the team in place with which we will work on this issue.”

Joannin also welcomes Labrune’s mea culpa, who acknowledged “his mistakes in his management” and promised to engage in more dialogue with the Ligue 2 presidents. “I hope these are not empty promises,” he concludes. Otherwise, the anger promises to grow in intensity.

- RMC Sport


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