President Diomaye at the scene of the tragedy

President Diomaye at the scene of the tragedy

A very busy day for President Diomaye Faye, after a tour of the religious city in Medina Baye and Léona Niassène, the Senegalese President immediately went to Mbour (center of the country) to inquire about the situation, after the tragedy that happened in this coastal city of Senegal. The day before yesterday Monday, a pirogue with on board nearly 200 candidates for irregular immigration capsized off the coast of Mbour with a macabre toll of 28 dead and dozens missing.

At the scene of the tragedy, President Diomaye Faye addressed the Senegalese people: “I would like to say to the Senegalese people, to the Senegalese people that it is with immense sadness that I stand here today in the face of this human tragedy that is upsetting us all.”
“The Nation is in mourning and the situation is unbearable. I would like to say on behalf of this Nation that I present my condolences to the grieving families and tell them of the solidarity of the State and the entire government in the face of the tragedy that is affecting them and affecting us all. What happened here in Mbour and is happening almost everywhere along the Senegalese coast is the work of networks that exploit people who are, it must be said, involved in human trafficking,” said the President of the Republic.

It should be noted that this visit by President Diomaye was eagerly awaited by the Senegalese. It gives an idea of ​​the measures to be taken to put an end to the “mafia” of smugglers. Who, as the President of the Republic said, “use the despair of young people to sell them illusions.”


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