The tone rises between Géraldine Maillet and Cyril Hanouna in “TPMP”

The tone rises between Géraldine Maillet and Cyril Hanouna in “TPMP”

Cyril Hanouna and Géraldine Maillet in “Don’t Touch My Post!” on September 11, 2024
C8 Screenshot

The novelist and columnist on the C8 talk show expressed her disagreement with the host regarding the situation of footballer Kylian Mbappé.

“Kylian Mbappé, nothing is going well with the French team and PSG, our exclusive news!” Wednesday evening in “Don’t touch my post!” on C8, Cyril Hanouna devoted the beginning of the last part of his show to the Real Madrid footballer, first discussing the latter’s disagreements with his former club and then his situation within the group coached by Didier Deschamps.

Kylian Mbappé who is claiming 55 million euros in bonuses and unpaid wages after his departure from Paris-Saint-Germain, has refused the mediation proposed by the Professional Football League. “He has little chance of winning his case.”said Cyril Hanouna. “No, he will win”then contradicted him for the first time Geraldine Maillet. “I know the case better than you.”he replied, referring to the “gentleman agreement” sealed between the footballer and his former managers during the summer of 2023.


Read the fileKylian Mbappé: a star, a destiny

“If you want to give your opinion, go to RMC with Daniel (Riolo, editor’s note)”

Cyril Hanouna

“I also give my information, PSG is a big club that has the pretension of becoming the biggest in the world. It is not an agreement to check in a corridor”argued the novelist. But for Cyril Hanouna, the given word must be respected. “In this operation, he also attacks French football which is in a bad wayestimated the C8 presenter. He also has a problem with the French team, it’s catastrophic with the other players from what I know and from what is being said… The rag is burning.”

After criticizing Raymond Aabou for being satisfied with an analysis of the last matches of the Blues with and without Kylian Mbappé, Cyril Hanouna did not appreciate that Géraldine Maillet put the situation of the attacker into perspective. “He’s not the only one to clash a little with Deschamps, there’s Griezmann too”she noted. “We are here to give information, not to give our opinion. If you want to give your opinion, go to RMC with Daniel (Riolo, editor’s note) »the host of “TPMP” sent him back.

“This is not an advertorial that I am going to write”

Geraldine Maillet

A remark that annoyed the columnist. “What does that have to do with it? You told me I didn’t have the same opinion as my boyfriend and now you’re reducing me to my boyfriend’s word.”she openly reproached him. Géraldine Maillet deplored that the information given was “partial and biased”The tone then rose a notch. “I also have some information since I am preparing a book on it, she defended herself. This is not an advertorial that I am going to write.

Géraldine Maillet suggested that Cyril Hanouna’s opinion on the Kylian Mbappé affair was influenced by his friendship with the PSG president, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi . “I love this ending to the show”quipped Gilles Verdez in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Géraldine Maillet the lesson giver”concluded the host before moving on to the next topic. Disagreements are frequent on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste!”, one of the principles of the show being to create debate on various subjects.



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