in China, graduates of the Covid years discriminated against

in China, graduates of the Covid years discriminated against
in China, graduates of the Covid years discriminated against

Some Chinese companies practice hiring discrimination against university graduates. “pandemic promotions”, trained during the Covid-19 period. It is Fengmian Xinwen, an online media from the Sichuan Ribao press group, which revealed the scandal on October 17.

The media notably interviewed Jia Fan, who graduated from a university in Xi’an in 2024, specializing in accounting, and has been actively looking for a job since June. She says that in the thirty or so job interviews she has had since, “at least ten [de recruteurs] judged, openly or more discreetly, that the graduates of the last two years were not competent”.

Online courses

Near Fengmian Xinwen, Jia Fan notably recalled an extravagant experience with the boss of a technology company in the city of Xi’an. During the interview, the latter asked her to show him her smartphone, in order to check how much time she spent online.

“I need to know if you spend six hours on your cell phone out of a seven-hour work day,” he said, says the young graduate. The man then justified himself: “The most serious problem with the ‘pandemic promotion’ is this: you have




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