If many TF1 spectators are completely won over by Emilien’s journey, which has been a string of victories since September 25, 2023 in The 12 strokes of noonunfortunately this is not the case for everyone! Jean-Luc Reichmann recently responded to these during an interview with our colleagues from Le Parisien. “The problem is we can’t get rid of him! (He laughs.) He was 20 when he arrived, he’s 22 now. It’s never happened! To those who say to me: ‘When is he going to leave?’, I tell them to come and dethrone him. Émilien sends an excellent signal to a youth that can sometimes be lost: he has immense curiosity at a time when we are full of notifications to which we do not pay attention. I now nickname him SpongeBob because he takes in each new piece of information and uses it for the rest.” first detailed the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre.
Jean-Luc Reichmann responds to cheating rumors
And to resume: “95% of people who watch us are super happy with his journey. Then, there are those who are not extremely benevolent, even capable of pretending that they have an earpiece. To those, I tell them to come and see on set how it goes.”. “After all these years, how can anyone imagine that there is cheating? As soon as I ask him a question, he rolls out the ball of information. Let these detractors register and come and confront him. I long to have someone at least as strong as Émilien!” he concluded.
Bruno Hourcade follows suit!
If there are several who have denied the rumors of cheating, including Céline, it is the turn of Bruno Hourcade, number 2 of 12 shots of noon to speak. The candidate overtaken by Emilien wanted to point out that there was no possible favoritism on the part of the production. At Télé-Loisirs, he confided that although Emilien is not helped, he nevertheless has a major asset. “The fact of not being a novice is still a real plus”, he admitted. Then add the fact that being used to being on set in front of the cameras : “I saw a lot of people who really had an incredible level, who scared me, and who completely melted away during this round”.